Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Beginning and Breaking

Do you remember the end of Batman Begins, where his father's legacy, a strong-standing mansion, had just burned down around him because he chose to stand for hope and redemption instead of razing a rotting city and the people rotting it? Where Bruce Wayne and his faithful butler decide to rebuild, not exactly as before, but to improve the property - to line it up with the destiny that was theirs, but they never knew before? 

Don't you think it is true, that sometimes weak things ought to be broken, so they can be rebuilt stronger, and more to the purpose? And isn't it scary, knowing that you are breaking something that already is, something that is sort of functional - that you may not actually see the fulfillment of your vision for the new thing; it might not ever be accomplished even? The people of Gotham may choose anarchy, despair, deception anyway? But what if they don't?