But the wait, at least
to me, mind you—
seems like a long engagement.
to me, mind you—
seems like a long engagement.
~ Jason Farley
Read the rest of A Long Engagement
"My God draws near to the humble – really, really near. My eyes are opened to see Him as He is, to receive from Him His own good gifts. Hope is resurrected into something that is not about me at all. It’s about Him."
~ All that was Lost, meditation on the song by Michael Card
“Hope has two beautiful daughters;
their names are Anger and Courage.
Anger at the way things are,
and Courage to see
that they do not remain as they are.”
~ Augustine of Hippo
"That failed hope
doesn't prove the failure of hope
is a comfort of sorts."
~ Wendell Berry, The Handing Down
"let me hope like dandelions—
obtrusive and resilient, resistant to a fault."
~ Grace Kelley
read the rest of the excellent poem at her blog